Peer Review

Manuscripts submitted to JBHM are subject to a double-blinded extrinsic peer review process. Manuscripts will be assigned to peer review after an initial screening by a Senior Editor or Associate Editor. Peer review will be conducted by two referees, although more can be assigned at the discretion of the Senior or Associate Editors. Editors will solicit reviews from referees chosen based on expertise, availability, and willingness. Referees will be asked to complete their reviews within four to six weeks when possible.

After the desired number of reviews has been received, Senior Editors will make an initial decision regarding whether to reject a manuscript, reject a manuscript with an invitation for extensive revision and resubmission as a new manuscript, or recommend the manuscript for revision and consideration for acceptance. In most cases, Senior Editors will provide their critique and analysis of the manuscript. As part of this process, they will guide authors regarding responding to referee comments and suggestions (e.g., rectifying conflicting requests or advice) during revision.

Manuscripts recommended for revision will be returned to the authors. The expected turnaround period for revisions is four weeks or less. Authors may request extensions if extenuating circumstances exist, but prolonged delays may result in rejection or another round of reviews. Editors will check all revisions carefully to ensure that all referee comments have been addressed. Authors are encouraged to submit a detailed table with their revisions showing how each reviewer comment has been addressed.

The final decision to accept a manuscript rests with the Senior Editors. The Editors will ensure that the manuscript meets JBHM style and format requirements and will edit the manuscript for grammatical correctness, clarity, readability, conciseness, and organization. The extent of the editing will vary depending upon the manuscript presentation. The Editor also will check all factual details, rectify the text, tables, and figures for factual consistency, and check all bibliographic details. The edited manuscript will be returned to the author for final corrections.

The author is expected to verify the changes, make any required corrections, and return the manuscript to the editor for final polishing. The polished manuscript will be sent to production and publication. Fully corrected proofs (final version) will be published immediately in the online version of the journal. The date of online publication is provided in the article’s heading as a reference in case of questions regarding publication precedence. Issues of the journal are published quarterly (January, April, July, October).